I'm sure that they all once did.......when they were baptized.
Now I bet they don't completely believe and they aren't going to tell anyone either.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
after reading crisis of conscience i got the impression that most on the gb actually believe all the doctrine themselves or at least that they believe that they are doing there best and god is helping/blessing them.. this sometimes seems unbelievable to me considering that they know about all the bad things in the org and see so many problems that the rank file normally does not notice or know about.
i'm currently reading combatting cult mind control by steve hassan.
when reading that book i can see that there are some cults that are far worse then the jws.
I'm sure that they all once did.......when they were baptized.
Now I bet they don't completely believe and they aren't going to tell anyone either.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
this week.
they handed out the memorial invitations during the announcements.. they also gave 50 copies to each publisher.
technically, i am an active publisher until the end of the month.
My English copy of the OKM for February 2007 didn't have those last two announcements you posted in it. Rather, it had:
There wasn't anything concerning legal material nor electronic donations. Since I'm not in a congregation inside the U.S., I think my OKM is slanted for the country I'm living in. I suppose those two announcements you had only pertains to those living in America.
You're right OTWO, those announcements in your copy in the States are a bit interesting. Thanks for posting them. Otherwise, I would feel left out.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
kate and i were having a discussion (with some differences of opinion .
what if there were no "total posts" listed under your screen name?
what if there were no such tags as "newbie, junior, senior, etc., etc., etc.," or "forum assistant, administrator.".
Some read more than post.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
once more i'm paying tribute to pie-on-airs.
here's something else out of the trusty branch organization manual.. chapter 17/ page 117. .
57. missionaries and special pioneers who take two weeks of vacation in one month are expected to report at least half the normal requirement of hours of field service.allowed to deduct five hours of field service from his total field service time for the month for each vacation day used and still receive his reimbursement.
How do we know if these missionaries or special pioneers are faking their hour requirement? They'll still get their monthly stipend.
Of course, some are more liberal in calculating their hours and will round it off to the next 10th.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
a comment by rubadub in the thread about learning new things at the meetings made me remember something, and gave me a chuckle.. i would always see how fast i could look up the scriptures during the talks, and race to beat most everyone else.
of course everyone else didn't realize i was racing them, but i'd always feel a smug (and perhaps a bit self-righteous) satisfaction at having the scripture looked up and ready to follow along while from the sights and sounds around me most everyone else was still looking it up.
being able to look up jehovah's word with such speed would surely earn me spiritual brownie points.
Oh yes!
Flashback! I remember my siblings and I before our teenage years racing to beat everyone in the congregation. Of course, if the brother were to start reading before we could find it...then we would lose points to enter into Paradise. Afterall, everything we did for Jehovah must be done with urgency and with utmost vigor.
The smaller prophetical books toward the end of the Hebrew scriptures were the ultimate test of speed and skill. LOL!
Did anyone else have a silly pride in being able to look up scriptures with alacrity?
Thanks for the new word to add into my vocabulary pool.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
here's the story in a nutshell.
i stepped aside as elder in a foreign language congregation with a resignation letter in august.. i cited doubts in doctrine concerning "this generation" and 1975, and also said i don't "know".
the governing body well enough to teach their doctrine.
You got a PM.
Your fade, in my opinion, is quite fast. Perhaps that CO that didn't have time for you before will now be at your doorstep with your local elder during his next visit. Of course, you just maybe a NH.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
here's the story in a nutshell.
i stepped aside as elder in a foreign language congregation with a resignation letter in august.. i cited doubts in doctrine concerning "this generation" and 1975, and also said i don't "know".
the governing body well enough to teach their doctrine.
"I am currently involved in deep research, so I am unable to give my answer at this time."
If asked what I am researching, I will offer no details. "It involves the Bible and WT references."
Beautifully put! You are quite sharp and have all your points laid out in front of you.
What I did was answered their questions with a question in order to make them think. "Has this organization ever made mistakes?", "Can Jehovah use anyone outside of his organization to fulfill his purpose?", "Wasn't Jesus Christ the only channel of communication?"...etc.
I spun their wheels for awhile.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
P.S. Keep us updated!
here's the story in a nutshell.
i stepped aside as elder in a foreign language congregation with a resignation letter in august.. i cited doubts in doctrine concerning "this generation" and 1975, and also said i don't "know".
the governing body well enough to teach their doctrine.
How would you answer if the elders ask you THE question:
"Do you believe that the FDS (WTS) is Jehovah God's only channel of communication to his people and that THIS is his true organization?"
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
P.S. I've been noticing your posts over the past several months and can relate almost entirely to what you are going through.
i'll always have a weakness for looking through jw literature, the illustrations, the soothing repeating mush of a cult kind enough to do all your thinking for you.
well i was looking through the yearbook and the seams are really starting to show.
like was said in another thread, they try to have it both "intrest waning means the end is near/numbers are booming!
Which countries are features in this year`s yearbook?.
1. South Africa 2. Latvia 3. RĂ©union Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
the usa rating has slipped to at least 50th place - down from about 17th just a few years ago.
one way that all dictatorships gain and keep control of their people, is to supress information and control media.
this gradually paves the way for a totalitarian government in which you are fed a constant supply of government approved news - which in turn creates much more isolationisim and brainwashing.
I travel all the time to foreign countries. Lest to say that I moved to and am currently living in a country outside the U.S.
The feedback from the people I meet in the world scene is obvious. The U.S.A. has lost its dignity and respect.
Alligator Wisdom (Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)